things are scattered in this room
duppatta three, a graphics board
a box of papers, many books –
Author: vani
Where Ideas Interconnect
Two days in February, people gather in Goa. Ideas gather in Goa. In total camaraderie, zero competition, zero cynicism.
shining gateways into infinity
My appreciation for language and literature keeps increasing steadily, while I remain constantly aware of the insufficiency of words. Feelings and experiences are like continuous fields that fade …
Third Eyerise
अदृश्य दृश्य
मेरे प्यारे डिजिटल जगत के लिए, उन दो अंक के लिए जिसके बलबूते पर यह सारा डिजिटल जगत चलता है –
शिव तुमको ही अर्पित हूँ –
शिव तुमको ही अर्पित हूँ मासूम सुमन भोली सी …
अब ब्लॉग जगत में अपनी हिंदी रचनाएँ भी पेश कर रही हूँ, इस कृति से शुरुआत करके
Exuberance! That is me. Every time I paint you see!
Fire and Peace
Learning to Love Marketing
Why marketing is spiritual and how I learned to love it –
I received impeccable service in Kolkata
He works for a pathology clinic. If you ring him up, he will come to your home to collect blood samples for the blood test that your doctor has prescribed.