The Meaning of the word Manaskriti

19 January 1998, was born on the internet – the domain name for my firm Manaskriti Software Solutions. I had no desire to run a business, but things just transpired such. So I had to give a name to the business. I went to Mom for help to coin a name…

The Pleasures of Back-seat Driving A Cab

Me: The Ola GPS is asking you to turn left, but we will go right

Cab driver: Right? How will we reach your destination by going right?

So I gave him the route we will take, explaining that the traffic is more free flowing on that route, and added: You’ll be able to drive in the 5th gear too.

A Conversation With My Boss

I’ve been trying to contact you since so long.

I am with you.
This scattered scared mind that you are experiencing – that is also me. There is literally no difference between me and you.
Do not seek me. Experience your self. That is where I am.

Me and A Cab Driver

I had booked the Ola using Ola Postpaid. So no cash was due. I only had a Rs. 20 note in my purse. I handed it to him…

Let your heart grieve

Let your heart grieve. Your age is the same, my love. Still the same innocent child. You were born, who knows when. You seek what you seek. For that which you will not get — Let your heart grieve. * Then, you shall receive.

A River Within and Without

What I experienced on the river was of course soothing and exhilarating at the same time, but what I experienced on the ride back in the van – that was utterly sublime. That in-the-van experience makes that trip so memorable, so precious.

To The River And The Mountains

We are immersed deep into the quiet now — the quiet of the gurgling river and the humming crickets of the night, the moonlight dancing peacefully as silver varak on the water as it navigates the rocks and pebbles, the mountains rising high in the backdrop, black in the night, but not pitch black.