I have more power than I acknowledge. I do not have to “become” strong. I am strong. I do have to “make” my mind strong. My mind is strong. Super strong. Super powerful. It is just that I am not connecting to the strength of my mind. The mind is not limited to the body.… Continue reading I am limitless
A Conversation With My Boss
Ok, so here — this hand is yours, this notebook, pen is yours. This mind, heart in whatever state it may be in, is yours. Write. Write tomorrow’s article. I am not particularly interested in tomorrow’s article. I am only interested in you. You are not at ease right now, I want to put you… Continue reading A Conversation With My Boss
You have more power than you acknowledge
1. You have more power than you acknowledge 2. Your mind is very powerful. Even now, despite all the excruciating pain, your mind is still very powerful. 3. The pain is your biggest present problem. 4. To solve a problem you have to know and understand the problem. 5. To know and understand the problem… Continue reading You have more power than you acknowledge
He Has X-Ray Vision!
Women don’t like it when men glare at them probingly, hungrily. But I loved it that he could see every inch and corner of my mind. “He has x-ray vision!” I thought, while I was reading the book A Course In Miracles. A Course In Miracles is a mind-correction course. To correct something, we have… Continue reading He Has X-Ray Vision!
Strength vs Anger
Photo credit: butterfly_girl_888 at Pixabay.com
Only One Relationship Here, Between All of Us
The objective of A Course In Miracles is to restore joy and peace in its students’ mindheart, to remove all barriers to love that we construct within our self. It achieves this goal by mending our relationships. A Course In Miracles is a relationship coach. There are only four characters in A Course In Miracles:… Continue reading Only One Relationship Here, Between All of Us
How He Endeared Me To Himself
A state of awe is worshipful, implying that one of a lesser order stands before his Creator. You are a perfect creation, and should experience awe only in the Presence of the Creator of perfection. Equals should not be in awe of one another because awe implies inequality. It is therefore an inappropriate reaction to… Continue reading How He Endeared Me To Himself
How I Started Reading My Favorite Fat Spiritual Book
Those days, moments and settings of my childhood used to flash back to me vividly. So I wasn’t surprised that yet another moment from my childhood had presented itself in my mind. That moment put me in the grips of fear. Emotions constantly change form. Even within seconds. So ok, that moment from childhood had… Continue reading How I Started Reading My Favorite Fat Spiritual Book
When The Leaf Trembles
We all want conducive, beautiful environments of laughter, joy and ease. Spring is beautiful. However, storms do come in our lives. There is no point saying they shouldn’t. They come. There is no point saying he should not do this, he should not do that. He does what he does. There is no point saying… Continue reading When The Leaf Trembles
Hopping, Skipping, Through The Garden of My Mind
Thoughts are like particles that take birth and then die. Some thoughts live long. Some thoughts are short-lived. Some thoughts may be born often. Some thoughts may be born more rarely. Thoughts cause action. Thoughts cause things to change. So thoughts are a force. There are thoughts that I and other humans have. Then there… Continue reading Hopping, Skipping, Through The Garden of My Mind