fallen warrior of relationships

he said this and she said that –
many forms of verbal attack.

all i want to know is –
how to dodge?
to hit back? no.
take the slap? no.
all i want to know
is how to dodge?

to dance and dodge
to skip and dodge
to laugh and dodge
all i want to know is
how to dodge?

and what of arrows
lodged inside
deep in the past?
how do i pull out n cast
them all aside?
not fester ignorant into
blisters that erupt suddenly
burn me n friends n family …

bent no more,
not even sore,
meet the world then
shining again –
grand warrior of
love sword hanging
from the hip.
arrows of kindness
and compassion,
shield of detachment …

but all these are
just ideals now.
a battered self
i am right now.
in defense i shout,
return attack.
or silently pout,
internal whack.

yet where to head out,
i now do know.
but reach there how?
i do not know.
many pointers the
teachers show.

i will try a few
something will ensue.
to a new land now i go –
for no one and to
nothing show.

only that i may
meet you anew,
my bond with you
i may renew.

as i find me
i shall find thee,
this is not simply
a theory.

as truth i sense this
in my heart –
so stand again,
again i start.

~ vani murarka

1 comment

  1. Do accept my congratulations for dealing with this subject of relationships attacks so well and in a very mature and elaborate manner. You seem to be a sensitive and observant person, but I guess poets are supposed to be sensitive. I loved the expression–all i want to know is how to dodge.
    just trying to show that it does not bother you, does not help, as you have said,
    bent no more,
    not even sore,
    meet the world then
    shining again –
    grand warrior of
    love sword hanging
    from the hip.
    arrows of kindness
    and compassion,
    shield of detachment
    Yes I also do believe that unless and until pain is resolved, it just does not get out of the system. By that I mean being aware and understanding it and if it hurts talking it out to the person concerned.Talk therapy also helps. Meditation helps to overcome this tendency of getting hurt. How does it do it–I do not know, but it helps.
    I hope I have not exceeded my limits of expressing my own convictions. Just thought I could share…Good luck and God bless

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