Find Your Own Resolve

This piece written spontaneously one day has helped me tremendously in navigating relationships and keeping focus.

Now I am an adult – I must eat my own food, clean my own clothes. Whether I can contribute in anyone else’s life or not at least I should be able to feed myself – no grown animal is fed by other animals. The parent-child relationship expired long ago. The brother and little sister relationship expired long ago.

Your mother is under no obligation to be strong so that you may be inspired. Your brother is under no obligation to be interested in your projects. Roam the land and do what you have to do.

Put yourself out there – let it bring you whatever food it will. Nobody is under any obligation. And surely not your intimate partner.

Meet whatever animals you encounter on the field, or go sit in a hole – do whatever you have to do – and light your fire in the night and meet the next day.

What are you searching for? The wind, the grass, the leaves, the sky, sound and water are your companions. And one day the body will fall and become carcass. You will be the wind, the grass.

Find your own resolve. Find the drive in your body to go find the wind, the grass. Get up and go every morning. No one is stopping you. Find your own resolve. No one is imprisoning you.

Be the lone horse grazing the land, the wind in her mane. You are under no obligation to wipe out your father’s pain, your mother’s pain, your brother’s pain and make them shine. Learn to live an independent life. You are under no obligation to wipe out your friend’s pain, that you feel oh so intimate with. You are under no obligation to fix anything. Grow up. Learn to live an independent life.

Be the lone horse grazing the land, the wind in her mane. No one needs to be strong and sparkling for you. You do not need to wipe out pain from this planet. You do not need to make anyone see any sense.

Live your joy. Live your energy. Romance the wind.

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