
One night You had encircled me.
No, that night You sandwiched me.
From one side You came as You
From one side You came as Him.
Then I remained just as a mite


I want to feel this body
rub against Your body.
I want to feel this breast
pressed against Your mouth

From a wordless place

Sometimes it is good to go to a wordless place, i.e. to not write prose or poetry. So here is a digital art instead that got made recently, during a no-objective-other-than-to-have-fun time. What does it signify to you? What does it evoke in you? Does it evoke anything at all? Tell me. Then I will… Continue reading From a wordless place

Fiction continued: The Wise Wild Woman

As the morning opened into its full light, she saw a mud hut with colourful paintings on its walls. A short wooden pole had a wooden board nailed to it, which said in rough carving – “Wise Wild Woman”.

A gentle voice was singing inside to the strumming of a string instrument. She bent down to enter through the low door, propelled more by curiosity than anything else. Sitting at a low wooden table, a young girl, seeming sixteen years or so, was singing to her heart’s content, strumming on an Ektaaraa. Somewhat paler than the people of this region, she wore shorts and a loose cotton top with short sleeves. Her short hair was tied up into a bobbing pony-tail.

Fiction continued: Something Stirred Inside Her

This is in continuation from the post: Like The Sky Itself This is part of a fiction series that is unfolding. All episodes in order so far: Shimmering Blue Water The Grasslands Bristled Like The Sky Itself Everything was not hunky-dory. This raw energy whizzing around in her head made her nervous. “What did it… Continue reading Fiction continued: Something Stirred Inside Her

Fiction continued: Like The Sky Itself

This is in continuation from the post “The Grasslands Bristled“ When she was done dancing to her heart’s content, she sat down to eat breakfast — experiencing each juicy bubble of the blackberries in her mouth and as the juice descended down her throat. She felt the cool invigorating energy of the carrot-saag drink rise… Continue reading Fiction continued: Like The Sky Itself

On A Saturday Morning

Writing shall be my main activity for today. So many days have passed, I have not gifted myself the unique beautiful atmosphere that occurs while I write. So writing shall be my main activity for today Should I write in the notebook or on the computer? I like the vibe that is created when writing… Continue reading On A Saturday Morning