Honor Yourself First – or How To Be A Ninja Ganesha

In the ticketing system of Spice Jet, Indigo, Jet Airways, and yes Air India too, a passenger is “born” when a ticket is booked. A passenger “dies” when the passenger commits suicide (sorry, I meant when the passenger cancels the booking) , or when it is transported to another realm (city!) on the hallowed flight… Continue reading Honor Yourself First – or How To Be A Ninja Ganesha

one word poem

एक शब्द की कविता तुम. एक शब्द में पृथ्वी सारी तुम एक शब्द में सृष्टि सारी तुम क्या रिश्ता होगा जब तुम ही हो यह वाणी तेरी – तुम a one word poem you. in one word entire earth you in one word the universe you relationship? not possible when there’s only one- you this… Continue reading one word poem

Processing Pain: What I Have Learned

The child was playing. The child fell down, got hurt and started bawling. The mother (or whichever other elder was in the vicinity) rushed to the aid of the child, picked her up and started consoling her. The child continued bawling. One strategy that mothers (or elders in general) resort to in this situation is… Continue reading Processing Pain: What I Have Learned

When I Marry, My Forgotten Friend Will Do My Makeup

I don’t know if I have forgotten her. If I had, I wouldn’t be writing about her. There is such contradiction inherent in Cheryl Strayed’s writing prompt ‘Write about someone you forgot’ that it is capable of causing nuclear fusion. She was a practicing lawyer in Pakistan. Now in USA, she managed her toddlers full-time,… Continue reading When I Marry, My Forgotten Friend Will Do My Makeup

a gentle pain, a giant joy

a gentle pain a giant joy that you are far you’re in my heart you are a stranger yet are mine a gentle pain a giant joy that brings the night and dawns the day makes seasons roll cause we are one yet far apart a giant joy a juicy pain

No Longer Chasing Good Health or Nirvana

In 2008 I was officially diagnosed to have Multiple Sclerosis. In 2017 I have now officially accepted the diagnosis, made it my own. Yes the mind body connection is so deep and intrinsic that maybe two different words ‘mind’ and ‘body’ is a gross misconception. Yes thoughts do impact the body absolutely directly. Ever since… Continue reading No Longer Chasing Good Health or Nirvana

Serve Him Poison

It is not just that He can drink poison, He actually loves drinking poison. Some people say He likes drinking bhaang (a drink made with cannabis, milk and other goodies). It is not easy carrying bhaang but so many of us live with it churning inside us – crazy unpredictable see-saws of exultation and despair.… Continue reading Serve Him Poison