Returning from school she was filled with elation. She had discovered a precious gem at school that day. She burst into the kitchen and said excitedly to her mother, “Do you know why that tomato is red? It’s because it’s absorbing all wavelengths from visible light except red.” I was that school girl, and yes… Continue reading Revealing Our Emotional Needs — Our Moon Sign
Category: .writings
Clues, Self-Awareness, Love
Love – that which we all seek. Even if we’ve convinced ourself that love is namby pamby weakness, we all seek love. We all want to be acknowledged, we all want to belong, we all want to contribute, and we all want to be our true selves. All of this is love. The ever-present quiet… Continue reading Clues, Self-Awareness, Love
The 12 Mysteries of Love
This is the story of a birthing. A story of Self-actualization. Coming into our own. And what does coming into our own mean? Accepting our own glory. Experiencing that we are lovable, as we are. Independent of the world and interdependent with the world. An acceptance and experiencing that fills us with an easy fulfillment.… Continue reading The 12 Mysteries of Love
It Works
“We might go to war with Pakistan,” my brother said at home one day. It was October 2016. My brother, an expert in analysing and forecasting market data (currency and other financial values), could see that the Rupee will weaken. Not just slightly, but a lot. He was sure of it. He told his customers… Continue reading It Works
The Power of Sound and Harmony
Before COVID struck, it was the last in-person meet of Saahityikee. Saahityikee is a women-only literature group in Kolkata. In that meeting, members were, in turn, coming to the dias and reading out what they’d written. Then a lady came, and she sang. I distinctly felt the air in the room change. The air became… Continue reading The Power of Sound and Harmony
Talk about first world problems in third world countries. A significant “loss” for me during this COVID time was that I was unable to go swimming. Swimming is important to me. I feel “at home” in the water. It is direct experiential evidence to me that we evolved from the oceans. When I swim more,… Continue reading A REPLACEMENT FOR THE SWIMMING POOL
AI / ML for Peace, Beauty and Joy?
I like technology. I like doing something with technology. AI and ML (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) seem to have pushed aside just about everything else in the technology world. I tried many a times to immerse my fingers in some AI / ML project. Each time I came away wondering. One reason is the headache… Continue reading AI / ML for Peace, Beauty and Joy?
There’s A Creature on My Bookshelf
I came out of my bedroom and discovered there is a new clock on the book shelf. As I sat across it on the sofa, looking at it with no particular concentration or focus, happy and content with my morning time with myself, I realized — that is not an object, it is a creature.… Continue reading There’s A Creature on My Bookshelf
They Came Flying From Far Away
It’s because of this doll-like thingy that she is holding and listening intently to — that’s why I chose this jigsaw puzzle that I’m doing these days. No, it’s not about romanticizing depression. It’s about that tiny voice of light and guidance that comes and speaks to you from out of nowhere, within the deepest… Continue reading They Came Flying From Far Away
The power of decision is my own
Tell me the LAL story. This is a true story of a lady who founded an organisation to help people with psychological matters. You Yourself told me about her one day. “There is an air pocket in your brain. It can go and block transmission any time. We don’t know how long you will live,”… Continue reading The power of decision is my own