She Knew My Language

For the Charlotte chapter of my life, God gifted me Jane Frazier. He put her in the parking lot, for me to discover her there. Something had prompted me to go and talk to her that afternoon when the local churches had got together to give furniture to international students like myself, who had come… Continue reading She Knew My Language

Find Your Own Resolve

This piece written spontaneously one day has helped me tremendously in navigating relationships and keeping focus. Now I am an adult – I must eat my own food, clean my own clothes. Whether I can contribute in anyone else’s life or not at least I should be able to feed myself – no grown animal… Continue reading Find Your Own Resolve


“What was he doing, the great god Pan, down in the reeds by the river?…” Sometimes some poem stays in us for years, to decompose slowly. So it was with The Musical Instrument by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, decomposing in me for years. I had read it when I was in high school. It is about… Continue reading black

The Car Horn

Quite like a rod would physically penetrate the chest, the sound of the car horn penetrated me. It hurt. It hurts whenever I hear a piercing loud car horn. I am sitting on the terrace at home in a small town near Bangalore, called Udupi. The sound of traffic is constant almost all day long.… Continue reading The Car Horn

Full heart, Empty Hands

Full heart Empty handed. Cannot do Anything To melt away His pain… Live with this Reality. That’s all you can Offer him. Sit with him. Miles apart

The Snail and The Tortoise

After much deliberation, she decided which of the fancy paper clips I should have, and which she will keep for herself. So I got the snail, tortoise, airplane and duck, and my niece gave herself four other somethings. Seeing the snail and the tortoise sitting beside each other, this question popped up in my head.… Continue reading The Snail and The Tortoise