How I Started Reading My Favorite Fat Spiritual Book

Those days, moments and settings of my childhood used to flash back to me vividly. So I wasn’t surprised that yet another moment from my childhood had presented itself in my mind. That moment put me in the grips of fear. Emotions constantly change form. Even within seconds. So ok, that moment from childhood had… Continue reading How I Started Reading My Favorite Fat Spiritual Book

Hopping, Skipping, Through The Garden of My Mind

Thoughts are like particles that take birth and then die. Some thoughts live long. Some thoughts are short-lived. Some thoughts may be born often. Some thoughts may be born more rarely. Thoughts cause action. Thoughts cause things to change. So thoughts are a force. There are thoughts that I and other humans have. Then there… Continue reading Hopping, Skipping, Through The Garden of My Mind

She Knew My Language

For the Charlotte chapter of my life, God gifted me Jane Frazier. He put her in the parking lot, for me to discover her there. Something had prompted me to go and talk to her that afternoon when the local churches had got together to give furniture to international students like myself, who had come… Continue reading She Knew My Language

Find Your Own Resolve

This piece written spontaneously one day has helped me tremendously in navigating relationships and keeping focus. Now I am an adult – I must eat my own food, clean my own clothes. Whether I can contribute in anyone else’s life or not at least I should be able to feed myself – no grown animal… Continue reading Find Your Own Resolve